Dump Day!

An account of the renovation of The Neglected House on the Wonderful Street in Wonderful Downtown Lexington, Kentucky.
Sunday was my rebound day from Sick Saturday. Sidenote: I try not to call in sick to work hardly ever because you end up paying for it by being sick on the weekend eventually. I can't remember the last time I called in sick for work, but it must have been sometime.
Our house isn't haunted, I don't think. I've never had a ghost. When I was a kid our furnace made this noise like Frankenstein's Monster lumbering around. It could be kinda scary, so a ghost is never really something I've wished for, historically. Anyway, if Campsie is haunted, it's haunted by the ghosts of technology gone by. Things like: hot water heat. knob-and-tube electricity. giant TV antennas.
Today we scratched out heads some more over the lock situation. Who would have thought this could be such a fiddle-faddle? (I don't have any idea where that came from.) Still mystified by how you get all the locks on a house to use the same key without calling a locksmith and without buying damned Schlage locks, which are just as ugly as any of them, but three times more expensive. Once I'd thrown my hands up over that, it was time to draft our new tool into action: the cast iron floor scraper. Ah, yes! Now, this is the warrior that we got to help with ripping up linoleum in the upstairs bathroom and downstairs in the kitchen and the hall. After a few tentative strikes here and there, I was thinking, "this is going to be an incredible bitch." I took a deep breath and headed into the upstairs bathroom, put my back into it, and made some very satisfying noises of destruction. This is a violent process, fabulously loud and... an incredible bitch! But verrrrry satisfying. After tearing through 3 layers of linoleum (layer two was pretty cool, kind of bachelor pad Louis IV), I hit this grimy skuzzed-on layer under which was—surprise!—hardwood. Unfortunately, it's kind of soaked in filth (I mentioned this is the bathroom, I believe), and the floor may be hosed. There's some evidence of water damage around the toilet, which could explain our mammoth water bill. Just add this to the "wait and see" list.
On a momentary bleak note, right before bed, Lucy read to me from Mr. Fix - It, who says that knob and tube wiring is cause to run away from a potential house purchase. Well, too late for us.
Today's destruction brought to you by: Cast Iron Scraper, Flat Crowbar/Claw (always a favorite), and my new rubber kneepads. they were $15, but I think I'll get my money's worth and my knees will thank me.
We had this party for the house. We decided it would be good to have a thing where we invited lots of friends over to the empty house and everybody could just kind of bless it with their good juju. I think it worked. I've posted pictures here. Just click "view photos" You don't have to log in. Be sure to click SLIDESHOW!
Sonya had lived in my house for a year while I was in NY. I don't know if it's requisite for a Dental Hygienist (which she is), but she has one of the world's winningest smiles and is a dear sweet person whom I've always adored. Enough so that I entrusted my house to her, as my first tenant, while I traipsed off for Manhattan and the Internet Wars. While I was gone, I was especially happy when she left what seemed like an unfulfillng relationship and got hitched to Todd, an inspired renovator/contractor who treated her with more the accord deserving of such a delightful soul. Never mind that her new man ended her tenure as my tenant.
Hello all,
Sonya here. We are looking for good neighbors through networking.
Campsie is the coolest street in my neighborhood. If you know
someone on the search, please pass this onward. Send out the Word
I'm still trying to understand how to post pictures, but in the meantime, here's the link to the Ofoto album of prelimary shots of the Campsie house. This will give you some idea of what we got goin' here.
this is my first blog message. it's kind of just put one foot in front of the other, I guess. I still don't really understand how this works, but wanted to see.