For the Lack of a Lock

I think Lucy and I overcomplicated things, just for practice. The locks just need to be re-keyed probably, but we went shopping and found that it seems possible to spend between $15 and $300 on a "handleset," which all seem to come in brass, brushed nickel or brushed brass nickel. And did I mention that they all look like they came off of George Washington's house? Yuck.
Seeing as how I like making lists, this house is a great project. Certainly lots of lists to be made. Today, I was hoping to do some hard work, but I woke up with a nasty cold and stayed in bed, while Lucy pulled nails and stacked wood for Esther. I drank water, though. What's that buddhist proverb, "Stack wood, drink water?" So I was doing my part. Okay, maybe I'm wrong...
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