It's Gonna Take Some Time

- With the tutelage of Tim "the floorman" Taylor, I removed the old bathroom floor to make room for the new laundry room floor. This was the grand prix of patient prying. The qualifying rounds included household-wide episodes of taking up baseboard and quarter-round and removing door trim. Having honed my skills on these tasks I was ready for the gently prying, yanking, coaxing, cursing and begging over a hundred nails out of a couple of dozen tongue-and-groove floorboards.
Lucy has painted most of the upstairs! I helped out early on, but since then it's been Lucy-tron all the way, painting, painting. I've had some fears that things like painting trim will get lost in the mix and never get done (fingers crossed) but that's not so, with the paintsmanship of Points.
- Speaking of Points, Father Phil has been our yard genius. Thanks to him, we don't step outside into a scrub jungle and promptly onto a rusty nail. Lockjaw would almost certainly set us back. Or maybe not...
Friendly Phil S., master electrician, has set us on the golden road to a wired kitchen. He came over, listened, commented, drew up some plans, and helped us understand the things that we could do ourselves. Approval pending, but since Samaritan Laura was actually bossing during some of it, I'm sure it's going to be fine. Wire is pulled, outlet boxes are mounted. Still some demolition to do in the kitchen area. And I could have sworn we'd already torn it all down. Huh.
We have got us a kitchen. A temporary kitchen, I'm reminded to say. Lucy thinks we'll end up cooking there for eternity. which just goes to show how decent it tis. the improvised kitchen includes a toaster oven, microwave, fridge and assorted food items, condiments, cutlery, and dishware. And this just in, today from da Gootwill: a hotplate. Some sample entrees and sidedishes, you say? Poached salmon, baked tilapia, brussels spouts, lots of salad, plenty of eggs.
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