Toe-tally rockin!
Hi peoples!
Lucy and I are back from vacation, and just didn't waste any time getting back to The Campsie Project. Does this have to do with Lucy being about to move in? You bet it does!
We got back to town and found that Plumber John had done as much on the house as we had. Or as Lucy put it: When you go on vacation, so do your contractors. Don't know what's up with that, but Lucy and I agreed that it was best just to drop it like it's hot. Movin' right along! John is now back on the job and claims that he'll finish with the upstairs plumbing tomorrow. Well, that would be nice...we'll see.

Also: While we were away, Pedro the Master Mexican Mason returned! Olay!
So this eve, Lucy worked on some paint priming and I worked on shoe molding or quarter round. Both those names are somewhat mysterious, don't you think? But the fact is, it's just the little piece of round wood that butts up against the floor. Yep, we're that far along. Amazing, huh?
So—engrossed in this endeavor, I spent the evening with Patron Builder Todd's glorious Miter Saw, cuttin' 45 degree angles and measuring, measuring, measuring… Next step: nailing. I am expecting this to be a bigger bitch than anticipated and am kind of wishing for a nail gun to rent, even though I've said this before about nail guns: I'm scared of nail guns like dogs are scared of vacuums. I just don't want to be anywhere near them.
So, we'll see. At any rate, next up on the docket: The Laundry Room (that is—the former upstairs bathroom!) Wow, how did we get to this point??
Oh yeah—lots of hard work, outside help, mysterious blessings and cold hard cash.
so... i guess when lucy actually moves in... the blog is over, right? it'll seem kinda pointless after that, won't it?
It's time for another update. We want to know what's going on.
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